Introductio prendere

- 2021-07-08-

Quodlacessit is located in the flywheel housing between the engine and the gearbox. The lacessit assembly is fixed on the rear plane of the flywheel with screws. The output shaft of the lacessit is the input shaft of the gearbox. During the driving of the car, the driver can step on or release the lacessit pedal as needed to temporarily separate and gradually engage the engine and the gearbox, so as to cut off or transmit the power input from the engine to the transmission. lacessitpars mechanica in communi transitu quae disiungat detinere aut tradendi ratio umquam. Eius basic requisita sunt: ​​smooth faciem juncturæ inferioris, celeri et penitus cessat, instaurabo apto moderamine; hand parva mole; qualis parvum; sat bonum calor dissipatio lapsum resistentia et facultatem; convenient salutaris operatio et labore. Communiter autem genus dividitur in maxilla asini, et quod duplex est frictionem perturbatum.