Deviatio exprimitur partem in regimine, curru equis ipso sentit deflectitur hinc etsteeringrota coegi rectam viam tenere durus habendus. Causae sunt diversi aeris pressus dextra ignes; fregit calceamenta et fregit centrum et singulos testa saniem radebat, aut una rota concha afferentem stricta est nimis; folia contrita singulos fontes et elasticitate utrimque ferro laminas inaequale; vel contra tabulas axe incurvatum In prima erat positus wheelbases impropria aut par utrimque; gubernator clavum et tesseras bushing spacium inter regem, eadem vel nibh eu moderamine virgae compages utrinque vinculum non idem salsissimus vir vivens ad navis sicubi inaequaliter findi oneratur.
Caput perficientur adductius in hoc ordine recensentur, cum vehiculo agit, sentit enim ut imperia duorum rotae ante dextra et sinistra, etgubernaculo rota is difficult to grasp. The reason is: the horizontal and straight tie rod ball head is adjusted too loosely (the spring is broken or the adjustment gap is too large); the free stroke of the gubernaculo rota is too large; the meshing gap between the steering gear wheel and the worm is too large; the gap between the upper and lower bearings of the worm is too large; The bushing gap is too large; the front wheel housing bearing assembly is too loose, or the front wheel rim is out of round and the swing difference is too large; the front wheel positioning is inaccurate.
gravibus steering
gravitas ressteeringexprimitur: transferentesgubernaculo rota when driving a car to turn, feels heavy and difficult. The reasons are: the upper and lower shafts of the worm are adjusted too tightly or the bearings are damaged; the worm gear and the worm are too tightly meshed, and there is no gap between the steering rocker shaft of the steering gear and the bushing; the steering shaft is bent or the pipe column is concave and scratches each other; the gubernaculo rota Strike or wear the pipe string; the thrust bearing on the steering knuckle is lacking or damaged; the steering knuckle king pin and bushing are too tight or lacking lubricating oil; the steering knuckle tie rod (straight tie rod) screw plug is screwed too tightly, or the tie rod joint is missing Oil; the tie rod ball head is adjusted too tightly, or the slider is out of oil; the tire pressure is insufficient; the front axle or frame is bent, and the front wheel alignment is inaccurate.
De observantia understeer quando conversus est moles conversio currus cum non satis momenti obumbratio. Quod sunt rationes: impropria de loco steering rocker brachium suum in rocker brachium sagittam electam: superabundantia et revolutus ad dispensationemsteeringangle terminus fulmen iniectum; fronte tergo axis motus; nec pila gubernaculo calces in loco Conventus improprium recirculating regione dentibus illius vermes arca archa.